You can make a reservation in following ways:
- call us- 0888882065, 0877991001, 0886187265 and 069652333
- per email:
- through the site:
- on site at the hotel.
After we receive and process Your query, we will contact you in order to confirm the possibility of accommodation.
The reservation request should contain the following information: name and surname of the guest, nationality, exact dates of arrival and departure, telephone, feedback email, room type, number of rooms, number of guests.
A confirmation of your reservation will be sent to your e-mail. It will describe the type and number of booked rooms, the date of check-in and check-out, the number of adults and children stated in the booking request, and the amount due. Please, once you receive the confirmation, carefully read the details of your booking and contact us if an adjustment is required.
The confirmation e-mail may indicate an amount to be paid in advance before check-in, as a deposit guarantee. No later than 5 (five) days after sending our e-mail (unless otherwise agreed), the client must pay the required deposit. The remainder of the total amount of your reservation can be paid on site at the hotel.
As required guarantee deposit for reservations concerning packages and festive offers, at the discretion of the hotel, you can be referred to an amount of 100 (one hundred)% of the reservation. No later than 5 (five) days after sending our e-mail (unless otherwise agreed), the client must pay the requested deposit.
After we receive the guarantee deposit an invoice for the payment you received will be send to you per e-mail, and your reservation will be considered valid and definitively CONFIRMED.
If payment is not made within the specified period, the hotel reserves the right to cancel a reservation.
When a customer makes a reservation, he / she is deemed to have familiarized and agree with these terms and conditions.
Reservations accepted by telephone, e-mail or through our site are considered as emerging contractual arrangements.
The payment is considered to be a full acceptance of these General Conditions of Residence at our hotel.
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